Tuesday 17 January 2012

Just a little introduction..

If i see one more social media status update or hear one more girl crying over "men are assholes" I'm going to be sick..

For a good part of the 20th centuary women were treated as prizes to be won, up untill the 1950's it was all too common for a man to formally court a woman (take her out for all the young and 'ignorant.. yo) It was an honor to be allowed to hold their hands and often when a move to second base was made, the end result would be a slap to the face.. so, what changed? Did our parents screw this up for us in the 1960's & 70's when it suddenly became about sex, drugs & rock & roll? bikini's were all of a sudden seen on beaches and women became further and further objectified.. is this mans 'fault'? No.

Marilyn Munroe was a brave and very intelligent woman - she posed nude in a photoshoot that was published in the very first issue of Hugh Hefner's Playboy in 1953, a graphic racy magazine selling over 50,000 copies that would change the world of print media for good and start a whole new world of pornography. Ms Munroe made two very bold statements by doing this - Firstly, that women too are sexual creatures and that we should be allowed to feel it and show it, despite society's views on us being proper ladies (aka fridgid rigid bitches who were screaming on the inside for a good cocking) and secondly (and almost most importantly) that men are incredibly visual, easily manipulated pussy whipped animals... No offence, to any male what so ever, deep down, you know this is just physiological truth.. you can't help it, we don't blame you, there there.

Given all of this, i'm not sure where along the way young women lost their sense of empowerment and felt that easily victimised by every male it 'didn't work out with" But this blog is not essentially going to be for women - we have cosmo, girlfriends, other whiny bitches facebook status's - we'll figure it out then change our minds and then change the rules because we don't even make sense to ourselves half the time.. This blog is for males, because, what do you have? Shitty FHM articles giving sarcastic relationship advice, your mates who also cant figure out the irational female mind (let alone that psychotic hormone estrogen, seriously, what is that) and fictional books such as 'the game' to which half of you actually believe 'peacocking' works..

Rather than trying to tell females to just calm down, id like to offer advice to males, who have not yet figured out how a one night stand can turn into a stage five clinger and why it happens and how simple it is to avoid that - by still getting what you want (if that's the kind of thing you're after..and can find a willing participant) without hurting anyones feelings..Or why the girl you have turned crazy for will seem like a normal human being one minute and completely dis-interested, or just off the planet the next.. how to bat above your average and when not to even bother trying, how NOT to be crap in bed..I more specifically offer this advice to young males who dont have the luxury of having close females they can talk to aka sisters as this is all the advice i give to my brothers, (aaah.. minus the detailed sex stuff) who are evidentally happily married and in relationships.. so here's my opinion of what NOT to do (along with other random opinions along the way.) Very welcome to open opinions, comments, suggestions etc.

if you are still reading i take it i have not yet lost your intrest..STAY TUNED FOR PART 1!

Peace Out