Wednesday 12 September 2012

What NOT to do via social media..

What NOT to do - Social Media Etiquette.


Whilst I'll go back to my original topics, i felt compelled to educate the ignorant about what NOT to do via social media...

Here is a Social Media Friend Treaty, get all your facebook, google+, twitter friends to comply and perhaps the internet will be a better place, all-beit those that oppose at least provide some of us with entertainment.

The Social Media Friend Treaty.

I solemnly swear not to -

  • clog your newsfeed by over-sharing my personal emotions about how sorry for myself I feel, I understand social media websites are not diaries and that perhaps I should invest in a "my girl" voice-password protection diary instead, I'll even make my password "Girls Rule" even if i do not possess female genetalia, as to keep up with status quo.

  • Begin a status war with one or a number of individuals by trying to cleverly write an indirect bitchy post in order to gain favour - Whilst I enjoy how powerful and super cool and witty this makes me feel, I appreciate that this makes me look like a complete pussy douche-bag who is afraid of real confrentation.

  • post obvious status's about the weather, unless that my sole purpose is to assist those who do not have access to windows, a radio or Tim Bailey.

  • Inform the whole world what I am eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner - unless it involves the added excitement of the fact that Gordon Ramsay is naked in my kitchen throwing plates into the air with a nostril full of cocaine.

  • post "selfies" a.k.a photos of myself posing, holding my own camera on a daily basis - whilst i may just be trying to gain the attention i so desperately need to increase my own self-worth by validating it with how many comments and 'likes' i can receive, I will consider the fact that I am purely portraying to the world that I am an attention seeking moron who tries to hide my low-self esteem with a narcissitic alter ego.

  • note myself as a budding photographer by instagramming every meal I eat and sharing that on social media sites I am affiliated with.

  • Check in to irrelevant places such as shopping centres, bed, nobody cares when I'm grocery shopping or sleeping, I appologise.

  • I understand that breaking any of the agreements will result in numerous people paying me out, hiding me from newsfeeds and the result of breaking one too many rules will be instant social media friend dismissal.

Please note, that whilst this is written in good-humor, the underlying message remains - our generation are portraying ourselves this way on a daily basis publically over the internet - we seem to care so much about ourselves and how people think of us that we use sites such as facebook to validate our own self-worth.

With recent events of trolling and cyber-bullying resulting in suicides, cry outs for help via you-tube videos also resulting in tragedies - let's not be the generation that encourages the next to stop open communication, using our fingers to speak instead of our voices. Let's not be the genration Y that lives up to everybody elses negative expectations - Let's get our head out of our own asses, stop demanding attention from hundreds of aquaintances and earn the respect we are truly craving for by doing something meaningful with our time instead of 'liking' pictures on 'good cause' pages - spend that perhaps 2-10 hours a week wasted on facebook/social media sites by doing something influential to your own life, building your real-life personal relationships with real friends and most importantly - with yourself.

"Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." -- Dr Seuss

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